Mobile transformation study: Mobile health emerged top (Ajua/CarePay)

Mobile transformation study findings

Mar 15, 2021

A recently concluded mobile transformation study (Ajua/CarePay) has found that mobile services that provide general health information are some of the most sort after mobile services.

Below are some of the highlights from the study:

  1. 90% of participants would like to receive health services on their mobile phones
  2. Spending priorities during COVID-19 remain on essentials - that’s food and healthcare
  3. Mobile health services represent the most commonly accessed mobile services
  4. Services that provide general health information are the most preferred mobile health services

We’ve heard what your preferences are. If you need to brush up on general health information or for the latest COVID-19 guidance, just head on to, hit “Get Access” to obtain some of the most highly sort after mobile services.

