Easter, Love in action

1 min readApr 5, 2021


The power of sacrificial love was in full display on that first Easter. When it all looked bleak, God sent His Son to save the world. God put our needs above His own, especially when we could never repay Him.

A solemn day that went on to model love in action. A brand new day was quickly dawning. An empty tomb to serve as a reminder to keep hope alive even in the midst of hardships.

What then does love in action look like for us? Perhaps like Jesus, loving those who aren’t friends? The down and out? Those who could never repay us?

To further illustrate what loving your neighbor looks like, Jesus told the parable of the good Samaritan who stopped to care for a hurt stranger on the side of the road. Jesus then tasked his followers to: “go & do likewise”.

Easter is a call for those who’ve received the love of God to love their neighbor. To support the most vulnerable among us.

To bring hope to those in the darkness. To never despair and to recognize that with God, there’s brighter days ahead!



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